Pri­va­cy Policy

Data pro­tec­tion

The oper­a­tors of these sites take the pro­tec­tion of per­son­al data very seri­ous­ly. We treat your per­son­al data con­fi­den­tial­ly and in accor­dance with the data pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion and this Pri­va­cy Policy.

The use of our web­site is usu­al­ly pos­si­ble with­out pro­vid­ing per­son­al infor­ma­tion. The col­lec­tion of any per­son­al data (such as name, address or email address) is col­lect­ed, this is as far as pos­si­ble on a vol­un­tary basis. These data are not with­out your express consent.

We point out that data trans­mis­sion over the Inter­net (for exam­ple, when com­mu­ni­cat­ing via e‑mail) can have secu­ri­ty gaps. A com­plete pro­tec­tion of data against unau­tho­rized access by third par­ties is impossible.

Pri­va­cy State­ment for the use of Face­book plugins

On our pages are plu­g­ins of the social net­work Face­book, provider Face­book Inc., 1 Hack­er Way, Men­lo Park, Cal­i­for­nia 94025, USA, incor­po­rat­ed. The Face­book plu­g­in, you agree to the Face­book logo or the “Like But­ton” ( “Like”) on our side. An overview of the Face­book plu­g­ins here:

When you vis­it our pages, the plu­g­in estab­lish­es a direct con­nec­tion between your brows­er and the Face­book serv­er is estab­lished. Face­book gets this infor­ma­tion that you have with your IP address vis­it­ed our page. If you click on the Face­book “Like” but­ton while you are logged into your Face­book account, you can link the con­tent of our pages on your Face­book pro­file. This allows Face­book to assign your vis­it to our pages to your user account. We point out that we as providers of the sites no knowl­edge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data and use them through Face­book. For more infor­ma­tion, please see the pri­va­cy pol­i­cy of Face­book at

If you do not wish that Face­book vis­it­ing our pages to your Face­book can assign user account, please log out from your Face­book account.